The Holy Orders
7. The Dance 12.46
Lyrics: Philip Larkin
Music: Matt Edible
Produced: The Holy Orders/John Spence
Recorded: Fairview Studios, 1 April 2010
At the time of recording the all night north album, The Holy Orders were front-man and songwriter Matt Edible (guitar and vocals), Chris Marsay (lead guitar), Dave Coates (bass) and Tom Palmer (drums). Formed from the ashes of the Edible 5ft Smiths and Morphine, they had a reputation as Hull’s best unsigned band; but many music fans in the city feel that this description would be more accurate if it left out the word ‘unsigned’.
The band released their To the Gallows EP in February 2010, with a digital release scheduled for the summer. Their manifesto was based on the basic principle of “writing a great song with a great melody then taking it out the back and kicking the shit out of it.” ‘The Dance’ is a sharp example of that philosophy. Matt Edible includes Larkin’s posthumously discovered additional 8 lines in his astonishing interpretation of the poem.